Deface Biography, Discography.

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Official site • Status: Active
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Style: Death Metal
Year of birth: 2001
Country: Israel
Views: 4690. Updated: 01 April, 2005 by Project Moderators

Biography of Band

Deface was formed in late 2001, then Timophey played drums and almost nobody on bass …
Time went on and so did they. Then, one of the members joined army and spent there three years.
So they were short of time and couldn't play enough, but hard period is all behind.
Members of band do hope that’s a new beginning for them … they’ve already had 3 important performances and they’re not gonna stop.
Demo disk is coming soon.

Members of Deface

Current Members:
Max. Role: Bass
Michael Korotayev (Mishgan). In Band at: 2001 - . Role: Guitars, Vocals
Pavel Metyanin (Evlampi). In Band at: 2001 - . Role: Lead Guitars
Dude. Role: Drums
Past Members:
Vladimir Landyak (Borja). In Band at: 2003 - . Role: Bass
Tim Razumovski (Timofey). In Band at: 2001 - . Role: Drums


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