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Band: The Disciples of Zoldon / Album: War on Peace and Happiness /

Bands: Rambler's Top100# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Эта страница на русском


1. War on Peace and Happiness (01.54)
2. The Champion Korg (05.52)
3. Forgotten Deity (02.08)
4. Throne of Darkness (02.44)
5. LifeSlayer (04.35)
6. Chalice of Malice (03.07)
7. Imminent Suffering (01.05)
8. The Occurance of Suffering (04.06)
9. The last of which is Death (02.39)
10. Eternal Abyss (04.52)

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Design & programming: Morgul