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Группа: Rhapsody / Альбом: Power Of The Dragonflame /

Группы: Rambler's Top100# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z This Page in English


1. In Tenebris
2. Knightrider of Doom
3. Power of the Dragonflame
4. The March of the Swordmaster
5. When Demons Awake
6. Agony Is My Name
7. Lamento Eroico
8. Steelgods of the Last Apocalypse
9. The Pride of the Tyrant
10. Gargoyles, Angels of Darkness (I. Angeli di Pietra Mistica, II. Warlords` Last Challenge, III. ...And the Legend Ends...

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Design & programming: Morgul