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Band: Unholy Archangel / Album: 3-Way Spit of Violence /

Bands: Rambler's Top100# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Эта страница на русском


1. Intro "Oh Horror"
2. Storming Under Steel
3. Unholy Cavalry
4. Fallen One
5. Awakening of Homodeus
6. Outro - Genocide Bitch
7. Intro - Journey to Acheron
8. The Fall of Titans
9. Hail Apollo
10. Talos
11. Possessed by Hecate
12. Outro - Hymn to Zeys
13. I`ll Give you Violence
14. Gas Mask Suffocation
15. Elektro-Shok Masochism
16. Funeral Goat
17. Fukkkkkkkkkkk
18. Pirotecnic Addiction
19. Fuck You on Your Grave
20. Piss on Love
21. Pain
22. Fuck Swedish Krap

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