Elderdawn Biography, Discography.

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Official site • Status: Active
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Style: Melodic Black / Death Metal
Year of birth: 2002
Country: Spain
Views: 4843. Updated: 20 November, 2004 by Project Moderators

Biography of Band

ELDERDAWN is a Madrid based melodic Black / Death Metal formation, created in the Summer of 2000 as a trio of ex-ANCIENT ENEMY and RAGNAR?K guitarist Juan Pablo P?rez Segarra, erstwhile CRYSTAL LAKE, DEMON'S GARDEN and REDEMPTION bassist Javier Sierra Merino and drummer David Barre?a Molina, the latter a credited prior member of JUARIA, ACHERON, RAGNAROK and NEMESIS. In April of 2003 David Infantes Lacal of HIDDEN CITY repute enrolled as keyboard player. Initially it would be projected that ELDERDAWN employ both male and female vocals but with the induction of former ZOOFILIA singer Antonio Iglesias P?rez in June the line up would be settled.

Members of Elderdawn

Current Members:
Antonio Iglesias (Founder). Role: All kind of vocals
Juanpa P?rez (Founder). Role: Guitars & Backing Vocals
Javier Sierra (Founder). Role: Bass
David Infantes (Founder). Role: Synth & Piano
David Barre?a (Founder). Role: Drums


EP: Demo 2004 (2004) Studio: No label. Tracklist.

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