Стиль: Old Death / Thrash Metal Год образования: 1995 Страна: USA Просмотров: 2539. Обновление: 29 January, 2005 by Project Moderators
Биография группыThe here and now... the 17th of January After Death 2005. Der Prophet von Ossuary Insane scripting here on behalf of the Mighty O.I. Is this finally the official site for O.I? That is a gigantic negative, my friends. This is the most simple, yet enitrely effective, way to right the wrong of our little disappearing hellish houdini act of the last few years however productive or not they may have been. This is a 'pre-production' website if you will. The Official Ossuary Insane site will be coming to you soon we promise in blood! For now, enjoy this for what it is. If you happen to be an olde school fan of our first and, as of yet, only official full length CD release back in '98 titled "Demonize The Flesh" on Galdre Records (Frankfurt on the Oder Germany), then undoubtedly you are familiar with our first 3 track demo release from '95 titled "Fallen To The Pits" included as a bonus on the end of the disc as well. This was a international release, however, it's mainland damage was most certainly central Europe. You can still find this long-out-of-print CD online at many worldwide musick distribution sites as an import for those of you not in European borders most notably our American Metal Brothers and Sisters! Yes, the price for import CD's is seemingly unjustifiable, however, the quality of the CD layout (FULL COLOR ALL THE WAY AROUND) is still, to this day, unmatched by many a millions of CD's being released these sickeningly overcrowded days. A classic album nonetheless it is and abso-fucking-lutely a collector's edition! In fact I do not even own an original copy myself. So, "tell me something I don't know already!". Yes, yes... here I will ask and answer a couple questions I believe have been inquired upon many times in the past few years. Q: WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO OSSUARY INSANE??? A: well, I will make a very long ass tired story rather short and on immediate information only basis just until the FULL O.I HISTORY is posted for you all to piss yourselves laughing at some of the truly monumental stupidities of the past and present. So, here goes some news... after the recording of the full length CD "Demonize the Flesh" back in '96 we 'shopped' the tape around just a little bit and negotiated with a couple individuals for a so-called 'record deal'. As many of you who deal with such hopeless scenerio's as signing a record deal, you know already how much psychosis and utter mistrust is involved. Anyway, we eventually, through a friend in a local band here in the MidWest, scored a decent deal with a friend of his (always hail, Ed!) from Germany with a small independent label Galdre Records in 1998. They pressed something like 1500 CD's and an additional 500? after signing a distribution deal with GmBH/Germany. Well, as far as we were told the CD was selling very well for a couple months with a onslaught of good reviews and ad's in many magazines/fanzines and much deserved airplay. Apparently, GmBH Distribution decided to rip-off our label and not pay the dues owed. Galdre bankrupted the contract and sent us ALL the rest of the product (CD's and promotional materials). As far as we know now they dropped out of the music business which is a terrible shame for they are truly some honest and righteous folks (R.I.P Galdre!). Needless to say, we lost our connections and promotions at that point and as far as the rest of the planet is concerned stagnation dually set in upon Ossuary Insane for the matter of appearence sake. Q: WHAT THE FUCK HAS OSSUARY INSANE BEEN DOING ALL THIS TIME??? A: We (Celebrant/Prophet) have always written material without interruption irregardless of situations or scenerio's. So much material has been written in fact that if Celebrant or myself could play the goddamn drums ourselves we would have released at least 4 full length albums in addition to say the very least! The compositions NEVER end with The Great O.I and that is undoubtedly the profoundest of truths. Q: WHAT CIRCUMSTANCES ARE BEHIND THE INACTIVITY OF O.I??? A: Spineless drummers who's entire facade of a urinated-on existence reeks of an un-wiped asshole! Losers, poseurs and fakes dressed in sheeps clothing have caused minor delay's in the on-going status of a functionally recording/performing live O.I. Q: WHY HAS O.I TOLERATED SUCH BACKSTABBERS AND FAILURES IN THE RANKS OF THE BAND FOR SO LONG??? A: Simple answer. One can have all the lyrics and riffs in the entire shithole fucking world and without a drummer with which to record and perform in a live setting (which, live performance, is NOT a mandatory scenerio for the actual existence of the band in the eyes of its true creators, however, to the eyes of the world it certainly is) one can not achieve a long term band status in the 'scene' without such (and I hate to call them) individuals, of course. Yes... little drummer boys, a plague like AIDS, indeed! (Go ahead and laugh, it's really OK! We know you all feel the same about them as well). Moving onward... Q: DOES O.I HAVE ANY RECORDED/RELEASED MATERIAL SINCE THE FIRST FULL LENGTH CD? A: Yes, indeed so, we most definately do! O.I recorded a 3 track release in 2001/another 3 track release the same year again in 2001 (9/11 to be exact)/and a 6 track release in 2004. Although so much more material is written scripturally and musically with positively no end in sight. Well, what about a NEW beginning? Time will tell. Fortunately, O.I has grown considerably more patient in our aging, however, NOT any more tolerant of human stupidity than our prior intolerance of such. Q: SO, WHO IS IN THE BAND AS OF NOW? WHAT IS O.I PLANNING THESE DAYS? RECORDING? LIVE GIGS??? A: O.I is presently preparing a set list for a up-coming show opening for KING DIAMOND the 30th of April 2005 at The Quest in Minneapolis, MN. Whether or not there will be 'old' material mixed in with new shit I have no idea as of yet. A half hour set so, approx. 5 songs? Whatever happens it's a start once again nonetheless. I honestly wish for a successful endeavour in regards to this 'new' line-up which consists of: Celebrant-Guitar/Vokillers, Prophet-Guitar, Bill-Bass Guitar/Backing Vokills, Larry-Skin Battery, Loathing-Vokills. As for new recordings... perpetually looking forward to laying down tracks in the studio unquestionablly so! O.I will never die! Any-fucking-how, I will post band photo's/individuals very soon along with a discography of all O.I releases/album covers. Band news will continuously be posted/updated here and mp3's will be available for your head-thrashing enjoyment. I will add a link to a site which I posted a band Bio and mp3's for Ossuary Insane as well. I will add lyrics as I remember them (HA!), for I am just a olde school burn-out who script's mad diatribes all over the place and can not for the life (or death) of myself remember the goddamn bastards once I lay them down on the slab! Oh well, YOU will get plenty of scriptural insanity on this here website throughout the next months I gaurentee this wholeheartedly! I do so wish for you to enjoy this little piece of purgatory in worldwide web hell! Have a listen to true olde school METAL! We wish to extend much gratitude and hails to Nick of 93X Metal Shop Radio Show for the massive amount of airplay and show promotion! Jeff of MetalWhore.com InterNet Radio Show and Wes of RaptureRadio.com Radio for much needed kick ass airplay! Thanks to XtremeRadio.com as well! Y'all fucking ROCK ON! Jeff of SCHMITTY'S tattoo's for the sick-as-all-fucking-hell ink2skin work! I will be posting O.I Tattoo pic's very soon as well! Eternal Hails to everyone who has ever supported Ossuary Insane in any way possible with honest and true intentions in heart and soul for the sake of motherfucking METAL! A GIGANTIC 'EAT YOUR OWN SHIT AND CHOKE TO DEATH ON IT' to all of you who have completely wasted OUR precious time and money on falsified intentions and magnified irritations that leave only anger and endless resentment boiling in the couldron of aborte
d flesh. You know who you are (or are NOT). To the underground musick fan base worldwide: Until Next Skull Crushing time...Keep your Horns UP! Take care (Of Metal!) |
Участники группы Ossuary Insane
Текущий состав: Celebrant. Роль в группе: Guitars, Vocals Prophet. Роль в группе: Guitars Bill. Роль в группе: Bass Larry. Роль в группе: Skin Battery |
ДискографияPromo: Tonight It Is Time To Die Promo: Worthy Only Of Extinction Demo: Fallen To The Pits 1995 (1995) Demo: Fallen To The Pits (1995) Promo: Demonized (1996) CD: Demonize The Flesh (1998) Promo: Shallow Roadside Grave (2004) |
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