Welded Darkness Biography, Discography.

Band "Welded Darkness" :: read Biography, Discography, Members and more...
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Official site • Status: Active
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Style: Black Metal / Grindcore / Gothic Metal
Year of birth: 2005
Country: USA
Views: 4898. Updated: 09 June, 2005 by Project Moderators

Biography of Band

A Band From Montebello California, USA. They started In 2005 this year. and they're going underground. They have released an LP
called Knee Deep In The Dead. Now they continue and hopefully make full length albums. They're mexican american and they are
depressed and their songs are mostly about sadness, sorrow and anger. Our influences are cradle of filth, megadeth, iron
maiden, iced earth, and lots and lots of other bands. So now we are working on a CD. They've no name for it yet.

Members of Welded Darkness

Current Members:
Robert. Role: Piano, Keyboards
David. Role: Guitars
Vince. Role: Vocals, Drums
Crystal. Role: Vocals
Charles. Role: Guitars
YourDad. Role: Bass


Demo: Knee Deep In The Dead (2005) Tracklist.

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