Год образования: 2003 Страна: USA Просмотров: 4296. Обновление: 16 October, 2005 by Project Moderators
Биография группыMalichi started in the summer of late 2003 with drummer Robley Ball and now former gutairist Caleib Doneven...the 2 started jamming out
metal in the basement of Robleys house....soon after the 2 got together they added bassist Chris Smart to the lineup and continued makeing
great metal. Fast foward to early 2005, Chris Robley and Calieb add a second guitarist Shawn, soon after Malichi parts ways with Calieb
and addeds Guitarist Adam..moving oonward the band continues writing great heavy metal and are currently in serch of a full time vocalist
and keyboard player... |
Участники группы Malichi
Текущий состав: Shawn. Роль в группе: Guitars Chris. Роль в группе: Bass Robley. Роль в группе: Drums Adam. Роль в группе: Guitars |
ДискографияИнформации нет. База обновляется ежедневно. | 
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