Randomwalk Biography, Discography.

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Official site • Status: Active
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Style: Atmospheric Metalcore
Year of birth: 2005
Country: Greece
Views: 8539. Updated: 11 November, 2007 by 1

Biography of Band

Randomwalk were formed in 2005 in Athens, Greece by five characters that have no real names, no true identity… They are just dramatis personae in a play
that is only meant to cause sinister spasms to your ego. This is pure art at its peak. Their music is ranging from the menacing forests of Scandinavia to
the pale moonlight of England and heads right to the core of the new world. Their debut, “Redemption”, is avant-garde to the furthest and outmost extent.

Members of Randomwalk

Current Members:
Jean Baptiste. Role: Throats & Voices
Dorian. Role: Keys
Vortimer. Role: Strings
Golgotha. Role: Pulse
Harry Mason. Role: Beats


CD: Redemption (2006) Studio: Burning Star Records. Tracklist.
Comment: Randomwalk's debut album recorded during 2006 and produced by Randomwalk. "Redemption" will be available in late 2007 and will be released by "Burning Star Records"

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