Iniquity Biography, Discography.

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Country: Denmark
Views: 3074. Updated: 21 May, 2005 by Project Moderators

Biography of Band

INIQUITY has existed since '89 and is today one of the oldest, most acknowledged and best selling Danish death metal acts. During the first years of the band's history two very praised demo tapes were released and the band appeared on several compilation CDs. In '95 INIQUITY signed a deal with Emanzipation Productions (EMZ) and entered the well known Borsing Studio together with Jan Borsing to record their first full lenght album "Serenadium". Due to several reasons the recording got quite delayed and in the meantime EMZ was contacted by Diehard Music Worldwide who were interested in a co-operation. EMZ quickly agreed to become a sub-division of Diehard Music Worldwide and the first release was of course INIQUITY's "Serenadium" album which saw the light of day in the summer of '96, highly anticipated by both the press and the fans.

The reactions towards "Serenadium" were generally extremely positive, especially in the US where INIQUITY nowadays have a large following. Then a lot of line-up changes occured within the band, but the members however stayed focused on playing live and getting four new songs ready, which were recorded in November '97 by Lars Schmidt (Furious Trauma & Konkhra) at the Soundzone Studio and mixed by Jacob Hansen. At this time EMZ had decided to start up its own independent record company, which turned out to be MIGHTY MUSIC. The first release was the INIQUITY "The Hidden Lore" MCD which was unleashed upon the masses in May '98. "The Hidden Lore" showed a new side of INIQUITY. While the "Serenadium" album had it's doomy and gloomy moment "The Hidden Lore" was just 21 minutes of pure brutal, technical and ultra tight death metal. It resulted in incredible reviews, e.g. 7/7 in Hammer (Germany) and 8,5/10 in Rock Hard (Germany).

Then more time passed on and the band faced even more line-up changes (yes, many members have left and entered INIQUITY), but by early '99 INIQUITY was in their strongest line-up so far, which resulted in very effective songwriting and some succesful gigs. In May '99 the band entered the Aabenraa Studio to record their second full lenght album "Five Across The Eyes" with Danish sound guru Jacob Hansen (Illdisposed, Autumn Leaves, Without Grief etc.). "Five Across The Eyes" displays the most complete recording ever from INIQUITY and it is sure to shock, amaze and scare the entire death metal scene with its amazingly brutal grinding parts, its gloomy mood and its technical approaches. The title "Five Across The Eyes" symbolizes a slap in the face to all those who have doubted the existence of INIQUITY, because this album shows a band stronger than ever before! INIQUITY is now ready to enter the absolute elite of brutal death metal!

INIQUITY is the number one priority on MIGHTY MUSIC, not least due to the fact that the label (including the days on EMZ) has been working with the band for nearly five years now. "Five Across The Eyes" was released world wide through MIGHTY MUSIC on the 8th of November 1999 in a limited edition digipack CD with one exclusive bonus track as well as an ordinary jewelcase CD.

The band's latest creation "Grime" is once again produced by Jacob Hansen, but this time around Iniquity has created a faster and more diverse album...

Members of Iniquity

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