Information about Borknagar

Band "Borknagar" -- Borknagar Biography, Borknagar Discography, Borknagar Members and more...
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Style of Borknagar Style: Black Metal Progressive Death Me Black / Death Metal Black metal Death atmospheric black Melodic Black Metal Death / Doom Metal black-grind raw black atmospheric black Power / Progressive trash metal war black avantgarde death; sympho black black progressive rock Black Metal Black Metal / Pagan Metal Melodic Death Metal Black / Death Melodic Doom Death Metal Progressive Metal Black Metal / Death Metal Black Metal Melodic Metal Power Metal Black Metal Heavy Metal Sympho Black Metal Black Metal Black Metal Viking BlackThrash Metal Black / Death Metal Celtic Pagan Black Metal Black Metal Brutal Death / Black Metal Black Metal Black Metal Black / Thrash Metal Black / Doom / Death Metal Hardcore Heavy Metal Black Metal Black / Doom / Gothic metal Black Metal Black metal Speed / Power / Heavy Metal Black / Thrash Metal Black / Death Metal Black / Death Metal Grindcore / Death Black / Death Metal Thrash Metal Black Metal Death Metal Progressive Black Metal
Year of birth of Borknagar Year of birth: 1995
Country of Borknagar Country: Norway

Biography of Band

Borknagar was formed by Norwegian guitarist Øystein Garnes Brun in 1995. Prior to that he played in a metal band called Molested who split up after recording two albums. He gathered several black metal musicians to his project, wrote all the music and lyrics himself and set off to record the self-entitled debut album which was immediately released by Malicious Records. Without having recorded one single demo/promo the band had released their first album. The album was received well by the metal press and people appreciated the fresh epical sound, making Borknagar a new and unique black metal band.

Øystein started writing new songs for their next album and signed a record deal with the major label Century Media to release the second album called "The Olden Domain". Because of some difficulties Infernus left the band and was replaced by Kai K. Lie. The band entered well-known Woodhouse Studios in Hagen, Germany to record their follow-up. This album was a huge success and the project turned into a real band. They also went on their first tour through Europe together with In Flames and Night In Gales. At this time they also found two new members in Jens F. Ryland and Simen Hestn�s. Jens was playing the second guitar and Simen became the new vocalist in replacement for Garm who left the band to seek new musical ventures.

The band started to work on their third album "The Archaic Course" which received excellent reviews in metal magazines for the release in October 1998. At this time Borknagar was even featured in Guitar World Magazine. After the release the band went on tour but once again there were some line-up problems. Grim, Kai and Ivar left the band at about the same time. Ivar was not a full time members and the other two left the band because of personal difficulties with the rest of the band. Borknagar went on tour in the winter of 1998 as support for Cradle Of Filth and Napalm Death with a session drummer and without keyboards. In the spring of 1999 Borknagar became one of the first Scandinavian metal bands to cross the ocean and play in the US on a headlining tour with Emperor. On this tour Nick Barker from Cradle Of Filth handled the drums.

Eventually the band found a drummer in Asgeir Mickelson (Spiral Architect) and a keyboard player in Lars A. Nedland (Solefald). In January 2000 they recorded their fourth full-length album called "Quintessence" in the Abyss Studio together with producer/engineer Peter T�gtgren (Pain, Hypocrisy). A blend of folk music, epic metal and black metal tunes have made Borknagar one of the most unique bands in the world.

Members of Borknagar

Current Members:
Andreas Hedlund (Vintersorg). In Band at: 2000 - . Role: Vocals
Oystein Garnes Brun. In Band at: 1995 - . Role: Guitars
Lars Nedland (Lazare). In Band at: 1999 - . Role: Keyboards
Asgeir Mickelson. In Band at: 1999 - . Role: Drums
Passed Members:
Infernus. Period: 1995 - 1996. Role: Bass
Kristoffer Rygg (Garm). Period: 1995 - 1997. Role: Vocals
Erik Brodreskift (Grim). Period: 1995 - 1998. Role: Drums
Nicholas Barker (Hongo Jr.) (Guest). Period: 1999 - 1999. Role: Drums
Simen Hestn�s (ICS Vortex). Period: 1997 - 2000. Role: Bass, Vocals
Kai K. Lie. Period: 1996 - 1998. Role: Bass
Ivar Peersen (Bjornson). Period: 1995 - 1998. Role: Keyboards, Synths
Jens F. Ryland. Period: 1997 - 2003. Role: Guitars
Jan Erik Tiwaz (Tyr). Period: 2000 - 2004. Role: Bass
Justin Greaves (Guest). Period: 1998 - 1999. Role: Drums


CD: Borknagar (1996) Studio: Grieghallen. Tracklist.
Lineup: Oystein G. Brun - Guitars, Garm - Vocals, Grim - Drums, Ivar Bjornson - Keyboards, Infernus - Bass
Comment: This is Borknagar's only pure black/viking metal material. This is also the only album with Norwegian lyrics.
CD: The Olden Domain (1997) Studio: Woodhouse. Tracklist.
Lineup: Oystein G. Brun - Guitars, Grim - Drums, Kai K. Lie - Bass, Fiery G. Maelstrom - Vocals, Ivar Bjornson - Synths, organic FX
CD: The Archaic Course (1998) Studio: Woodhouse. Tracklist.
Lineup: I.C.S. Vortex - Vocals, Oystein G. Brun - Guitars, Jens F. Ryland - Guitars, Kai K. Lie - Bass, Grim - Drums
Comment: Reissued by Evil Horde Records as Digipak.
CD: Quintessence (2000) Studio: Abyss. Tracklist.
Split: Borknagar/Novembre (2001) Tracklist.
Lineup: Borknagar, Novembre
CD: Empiricism (2001) Studio: Fagerborg. Tracklist.
Lineup: Vintersorg - Clean vocals, grim vocals, Oystein G. Brun - Electric, acoustic, high-strung guitars, Jens F. Ryland - Electric, acoustic, high-strung guitars, Asgeir Mickelson - Drums, percussion, Tyr - 6 string bass, fretless bass, Lars A. Nedland - Synthe
CD: Epic (2004) Tracklist.
Comment: Limited releases came in a slipcase/digipack form.
Asgeir Mickelson (drums) did the bass duties because Tyr left the band before
going to record.

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