Information about Buried Dreams

Band "Buried Dreams" -- Buried Dreams Biography, Buried Dreams Discography, Buried Dreams Members and more...
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Style of Buried Dreams Style: Black Metal Progressive Death Me Black / Death Metal Black metal Death atmospheric black Melodic Black Metal Death / Doom Metal black-grind raw black atmospheric black Power / Progressive trash metal war black avantgarde death; sympho black black progressive rock Black Metal Black Metal / Pagan Metal Melodic Death Metal Black / Death Melodic Doom Death Metal Progressive Metal Black Metal / Death Metal Black Metal Melodic Metal Power Metal Black Metal Heavy Metal Sympho Black Metal Black Metal Black Metal Viking BlackThrash Metal Black / Death Metal Celtic Pagan Black Metal Black Metal Brutal Death / Black Metal Black Metal Black Metal Black / Thrash Metal Black / Doom / Death Metal Hardcore Heavy Metal Black Metal Black / Doom / Gothic metal Black Metal Black metal Speed / Power / Heavy Metal Black / Thrash Metal Black / Death Metal Black / Death Metal Grindcore / Death Black / Death Metal Thrash Metal Black Metal Death Metal Progressive Black Metal Power Metal Doom / Gothic / Progressive Brutal Death Metal Death Metal Death / Grind Black Metal Death Metal Melodic Death Metal
Year of birth of Buried Dreams Year of birth: 1995
Country of Buried Dreams Country: Mexico

Biography of Band

Buried Dreams started playing in January 1995, with four members who wanted to share musical ideas and influences, creating their own sound: fast and melodic, powerful and aggressive. In April '95 the band began to play in some gigs, but were not able to play live later that year due to difficulties in the line-up.

They recorded their first promo-demo "The World Beyond" with three songs. One month later Buried Dreams won first place in the 1st.National Underground Heavy Metal Contest which led them to sign with Oz Records So in August, with a new member for vocals, the band recorded their first full-lenght album called "BEYOND YOUR MIND". After its release the band promoted the album all around Mexico.
With this album the band got recognition in the metal scene, and was considered one of the best newcomer bands that year; their live shows undoubtly proved this, having played alongside Cannibal Corpse (twice), Hypocrisy, Impaled Nazarene, In Flames and the German metal legend Helloween.
Buried Dreams also toured successfully on the so called Tormentour, with labelmates Shamash and Under Moonlight Sadness together with Disgorge & The Zephyr.

After 2 years of full live activity, Buried Dreams prepared new stuff for a second release. Looking for a better sound, in October '99 the band traveled to Göthenburg, Sweden to the well-known Studio Fredman to record a new album called PERCEPTIONS produced by Fredrik Nördstrom (At the Gates, In Flames, Dark Tranquillity). In November Buried Dreams made its European debut playing in Berlin with a great response from the audience. After the release of the album the band started playing again, but this time they would make their first US appearance at the Milwaukee Metal Fest, with great critics. The success of PERCEPTIONS would reach Japan, being released by Soundoholic Records.

NECROSPHERE their third album, recorded in february 2002, was produced again by Fredrik Nördstrom. This work shows a more mature songwriting and an own sound. Continuing with the elements used on their previous albums: melody, atmsopheres, rhytm changes, aggressive riffing, with very powerfull vocals, they have made its best work up to date. All the energy on the album has even been proved live in a 4 dates tour across Germany together with Mourning Caress, impressing the exigent German metal Fans.

Members of Buried Dreams

Current Members:
Eric Olguin. In Band at: 1999 - . Role: Vocals
Antonio De Yta. In Band at: 1995 - . Role: Guitars, Keyboards, Vocals
Ndua Valdespino. In Band at: 1996 - . Role: Guitars
Ezequiel Mendoza. In Band at: 1995 - . Role: Bass, Keyboards
Daniel Romero. In Band at: 2001 - . Role: Drums
Passed Members:
Anuar Bautista. Period: 1996 - 1997. Role: Drums
Ivan Santos. Period: 1997 - 1997. Role: Vocals


Demo: The World Beyond (1996) Studio: Home. Tracklist.
Lineup: Antonio De Yta - Guitar, Keyboard, Vocals, Ezequiel Mendoza - Bass, Keyboard, Anuar Bautista - Drums
Compilation: Oz Live (1997) Studio: Live at Arena Lopez Mateos. Tracklist.
Lineup: Antonio De Yta - Guitar, Keyboard, Vocals, Ezequiel Mendoza - Bass, Keyboard, Ndua Valdespino - Guitar, Ivan Santos - Vocals, Keyboard, Oscar Doniz- Drums, Erick Olguin - Lead Vocals
CD: Beyond Your Mind (1997) Studio: Oigo. Tracklist.
Lineup: Antonio De Yta - Guitar, Keyboard, Vocals, Ezequiel Mendoza - Bass, Keyboard, Anuar Bautista - Drums, Ndua Valdespino - Guitar, Ivan Santos - Lead Vocals
Comment: Reissues list Track 6 as Looking through the Fire, Track 7 as Irony, Track 8 as
Moxtla, Track 9 as Her Beauty, Track 10 as Limits of Fantasy (demo 2001) and a
bonus Track 11 Redemption
CD: Perceptions (2000) Studio: Fredman. Tracklist.
Lineup: Antonio De Yta - Guitar, Keyboard, Vocals, Ezequiel Mendoza - Bass, Keyboard, Ndua Valdespino - Guitar, Ivan Santos - Vocals, Keyboard, Oscar Doniz- Drums, Erick Olguin - Lead Vocals
CD: Necrosphere (2002) Studio: Fredman. Tracklist.
Lineup: Eric Olguin - vocals, Antonio De Yta - guitar, Ndua Valdespino - guitar, Ezequiel Mendoza - bass, Daniel Romero - drums
Comment: Keyboards on "The Shadow Murderer" played by Ezequiel Mendoza
Vocals on "Preemptive Solution" by Antonio De Yta
Guest vocals on "Inside Reality" by Mikael Stanne

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