The story so far...
The story began in 2001, in Zagreb, Croatia, when Slaven Nikolic (guitar), Davor Vlahov (vocal/guitar) and Darko
Demsic-Rudi (bass), together with Vedran Hadziselimovic (drums) formed heavy/progressive band R2 (named after famous Star
Wars character R2-D2). They recorded a 5track demo named "Given Away" (review of that demo can be found on web page: ). Soon after that, they stopped playing together.
In autumn of year 2002, together with their new drummer, Neven Nikolic, they formed band Fragment. They continued to work
on their new material (some songs from R2 stage were also included in their repertoire), but because of lack of
keyboardist, were unable for playing live. That changed in the very end of same year when Vedran Hrgetic joined them as
keyboardist and completed Fragment�s line-up. At that point, they were searching for their own music style and combined
various music elements and influences. They had several concerts during 2003. in and around Zagreb.
In 2004. They finished material for their very first album called �The Masquerade�. During this period they developed
their own style that can be described as heavy metal empowered with rhythmical riffs and periodic progressive influence.
Main influences on the band were made by: Masterplan, Helloween, Iron Maiden, Dark Tranquillity and progressive bands like
Dream Theater, SymphonyX, Ark�
Fragment entered the Monitor Audio Studio; Zagreb, in August of 2004. The work on album lengthened out to more than 8
months now, mostly because of the lack of money. It is important to say that the whole project was self-financed and
self-produced. The album is almost finished and Fragment is now searching for the metal label to release it world wide. |