Information about Green Carnation

Band "Green Carnation" -- Green Carnation Biography, Green Carnation Discography, Green Carnation Members and more...
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Year of birth of Green Carnation Year of birth: 1990
Country of Green Carnation Country: Norway

Biography of Band

Formed in 1990 by X-Botteri, Cristopher Botteri, Tchort and Anders Kobro GREEN CARNATION released its first demo "Hallucinations of Despair" in 1992, which was in the Death Metal stylings of the day. Later that year Tchort decided to leave the band to join Norwegian Black Metallers EMPEROR. The present vocalist, Richart Olsen also decided to follow suit and left the band that year. GREEN CARNATION found then a new vocalist and changed their style and name into what is now known as IN THE WOODS.

Jump to November 1998, which sees the reformation of the band. Through friendship and the shared vision of fulfilling the dreams and goals of GREEN CARNATION, the members decided to once again form a union and achieve these goals they had set 8 years previous. (But this time with the help of new drummer, Alf T Leangel.) The process of writing music for which was to become the band's debut album was both inspiring and managed to bring forth creativity long gone within Tchort, who had been absent since the death of his daughter. (The very subject that became the concept for the debut.)

July 1999 - GREEN CARNATION enters Jailhouse Studios in Kristiansand, Norway to record the debut, "Journey to the End of the Night", a 72 minute long concept record. The record does not go on "without a hitch" however as there are problems with the first two vocalists who had to cancel studio duties due to their studies. Vibeke Stene, Atle Dorum, Geir Sollid, Synne Soprana and Linn Solaas, 5 different vocalists, who step in totally relying on improvisation and talent to a remarkable outcome. The record sees a late October 2000 release by Prophecy Productions.

GREEN CARNATION is again ready to record in July 2001, this time it's a 60 minute long concept song, which will be featured on their second opus, "Light of Day, Day of Darkness", as a one track album. The record is well received by both fans and press, and was voted album of the month in Germany's Hammer magazine. The record once again sees a European release by Prophecy Productions and a North American release by The End Records.

2002 was a great year for the band. Wacken Open Air saw the band perform the record in its entirety and was voted by several publications as the best live act of the festival that year. The band then shot a video for "Light of Day" the very night the band returned from Wacken, (yet the hour long music video is still being edited and worked on by the band). The first club gig for "Light of Day, Day of Darkness" was recorded by national radio and television and was broadcasted nationally. This also was the year that GREEN CARNATION signed to Season of Mist, and the pre-production of the new album took place in Brown Sound Studio with Stein Roger in September/October 2002. (The recording of the actual album started in January 2003.) The line up is identical of the one for "Light of Day", but with the addition of Bernt A Moen on keyboards.

The music on "A Blessing in Disguise" includes new musical elements for the band, and can best be described as heavy, progressive and strong melodic rock. This year should hold the most productive and creative chapter in the band legacy.

Members of Green Carnation

Current Members:
Terje Vik Schei (Tchort). In Band at: 1990 - . Role: Guitar
Bjorn Harstad. In Band at: 2001 - . Role: Guitars, Slide, Ebow
Stein Roger Sordal. In Band at: 2001 - . Role: Bass
Tommy Jackson. In Band at: 2004 - . Role: Drums
Kjetil Nordhus. In Band at: 2001 - . Role: Vocals
Bernt A Moen. In Band at: 2002 - . Role: Keyboards
Passed Members:
Christian Botteri (X). In Band at: 1990 - . Role: Bass
Christopher Michael Botteri (CM). Period: 1990 - 2001. Role: Guitars
Richart Olsen. Period: 1992 - 1998. Role: Vocals
Anders Kobro. Period: 1990 - 2004. Role: Drums
Alf Tore Rasmussen. Period: 1998 - 2001. Role: Drums


Demo: Hallucinations Of Despair (1991) Tracklist.
Lineup: X Botteri - Guitar, Christopher Botteri - Bass, Tchort - Guitar, Anders Kobro - drums, Richart Olsen - vocals
CD: Journey To The End Of The Night (2000) Studio: Prophecy Productions. Tracklist.
Comment: Additional Muiscians on this album
Geir Sollied - vocals
Synne Soprana - vocals
Linn Solaas - vocals
Vibeke Stene - vocals
Atle Dorum - vocals
Leif - violins
CD: Light of Day, Day of Darkness (2001) Studio: The End Records. Tracklist.
Lineup: Tchort - Acoustic and electric guitars, Bj�rn H. - Lead guitars, sled, ebow, Stein R. - Bass, A. Kobro - Drums, Kjetil Nordhus - Vocals
Comment: This album was made in memory of the tragic event of Kjetil Nordhus' life. While
his wife gave birth to his second child, his first one was dying in a car

Additional musicians:
Endre Kirkesola - B3, sitar, synth, string
& voice arrangements
Bernt A Moen - string arrangements
Arvid Thorsen - saxophone
Synne Soprana - female vocals
Roger Rasmussen - screaming vocals
Damien Aleksander - child`s voice
Jan Kenneth T. - male vocals

Strings by:
Endre Kirkesola
Bernt A. Moen
CD: A Blessing in Disguise (2003) Studio: Season of Mist. Tracklist.
Lineup: Bjorn Harstad - Effects, Guitar, Christiansand Chamber - Ensemble Musician, Tchort - Guitar, Bernt A. Moen - Keyboards, Piano, Anders Kobro - Drums, Stein Roger Sordal - Bass, Harp, Guitar, Kjetil Nordhus - Vocals
DVD: Alive and Well? In Krakow (2004) Studio: Metal Mind Productions. Tracklist.
Lineup: Tchort - guitar, Kjetil Nordhus - vocals, Stein Roger Sordal - bass, Anders Kobro - drums, �ystein T�nnessen - keyboards, Michael S. Krumins - lead guitar
Comment: Also contains such bonus Videos:
9. Recording of drums "Into Deep" (Bonus Video)
10. "Crushed to Dust" bootleg video (Bonus Video)
11. "Boy in the Attic" bootleg video (Bonus Video)
12. "Writings on the Wall" bootleg video (Bonus Video)

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