Information about Inner Surge

Band "Inner Surge" -- Inner Surge Biography, Inner Surge Discography, Inner Surge Members and more...
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Official site • Status: Active
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Year of birth of Inner Surge Year of birth: 2001
Country of Inner Surge Country: Canada

Biography of Band

Inner Surge is an intense, politically and emotionally charged metal/punk band from Calgary, Canada. The band has an
explosive live show and blends punk, rock, metal, hardcore, progressive, electronic and eastern influences. With an
eclectic, intense approach, the band explores politics and deep seeded emotions in it's music. The result is a sound that
is compassionate, yet unapologetically raw.
Inner Surge was formed in 2001 by Steve Moore, who wrote and recorded the debut album "Solus Verum", a 16-track epic with
an intensely personal lyrical approach. The next album "Matrika" was recorded at Organic Sounds studios in Calgary, and
was released to excellent reviews. Space Junkies Mag gave it 10+ out of 10, while Bands United described it as
"Disturbingly fresh". The album has been critically acclaimed and has earned them positive reviews in many magazines &
websites, as well as spots on CBC television and Skratch Magazine. "Matrika" found the band reworking their sound, making
it tighter and more hardhitting.

Inner Surge has played many shows including the "Rock against Racism 2002" concert in Calgary, the annual Christmas
charity concert at the Underground, as well as organized it's own benefit concerts for charities such as Operation
Eyesight Universal and the Evan Shaw Foundation. The band has also appeared on many compilation CD's including Canadian
metal compilation the Fire Union, Skratch Magazine, where Inner Surge appears alongside Epitaph recording artists Converge
and Hot Water Music, CrankSpiv Records Volume 8 and 9, SWRecords Alt/Metal comp, Atom Sounds Records, Synaptic Graffiti's
latest release and Funender Music. Inner Surge is promoted by Platform 12, AFB Promotions, Atom-Sounds Records and
M-Promotions. Inner Surge's intense and honest sound has given the band a fast-growing following, and with plans for a
new album on the horizon, the word is sure to spread.

Members of Inner Surge

Current Members:
Steve Moore (Founder). In Band at: 2001 - . Role: Vocals
Bryan Sandau. Role: Drums
Matt Orge. Role: Guitar
Scott Taylor. Role: Guitar
Jason Rees. Role: Bass
Passed Members:
Vince Drouin. Role: Drums
Frank Gallant. Role: Bass
Kelly Tomes. Role: Guitar
Brad Harms. Role: Guitar


CD: Solus Verum (2001)
CD: Matrika (2004) Studio: Organic Sounds.

Related Links:
Inner Surge LyricsInner Surge MP3Inner Surge VideoInner Surge ReviewsInner Surge T-ShirtsInner Surge MIDIInner Surge PostersInner Surge Tabs

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