Information about Marilyn Manson

Band "Marilyn Manson" -- Marilyn Manson Biography, Marilyn Manson Discography, Marilyn Manson Members and more...
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Style of Marilyn Manson Style: Black Metal Progressive Death Me Black / Death Metal Black metal Death atmospheric black Melodic Black Metal Death / Doom Metal black-grind raw black atmospheric black Power / Progressive trash metal war black avantgarde death; sympho black black progressive rock Black Metal Black Metal / Pagan Metal Melodic Death Metal Black / Death Melodic Doom Death Metal Progressive Metal Black Metal / Death Metal Black Metal Melodic Metal Power Metal Black Metal Heavy Metal Sympho Black Metal Black Metal Black Metal Viking BlackThrash Metal Black / Death Metal Celtic Pagan Black Metal Black Metal Brutal Death / Black Metal Black Metal Black Metal Black / Thrash Metal Black / Doom / Death Metal Hardcore Heavy Metal Black Metal Black / Doom / Gothic metal Black Metal Black metal Speed / Power / Heavy Metal Black / Thrash Metal Black / Death Metal Black / Death Metal Grindcore / Death Black / Death Metal Thrash Metal Black Metal Death Metal Progressive Black Metal Power Metal Doom / Gothic / Progressive Brutal Death Metal Death Metal Death / Grind Black Metal Death Metal Melodic Death Metal Heavy / Power Metalcore Ambient Black Pagan Metal Progressive Metal Brutal Death / Gore Metal Black Metal Melodic Black Metal doom Doom / Stoner Metal Black / Death Metal Blues / Heavy Metal Black Metal Gothic Metal folk metal Black Technical death / grind Sympho Black Progressive Death Melodic death Black Black Thrash Black Metal Black Melodic Death Melodic Death Gothic Metal Black Metal Black Metal Grindcore Melodic Death Metal Hard Rock Death Black Death Black Melodic Death / Folk Metal Sympho Black Metal Heavy, Power Gore Death Metal Black Metal Avantgarde Doom Black / Thrash Metal Progressive Metal Power Viking Metal Melodic Black / Death Metal Black Heroic-Folk-Metal Black / viking metal Funeral Doom Heavy / Black / Death Doom Thrash Symphonic Death / Black Metal Heavy Power metal Viking Death / Industrial Folk / Black Metal fast black Anglo-Saxon pagan-black Sympho Power Metal Black / Doom Metal Power Black Metal Black Metal Power / Speed Metal Black Metal Industrial / Death / Grindcore Black Metal Black Metal Progressive Metal / Rock Heavy / Trash Doom / Sympho Black Metal Death / Grind Nu Metal heavy / power metal Brutal Death Metal Pagan Black Metal Power Heavy Black Metal Brutal Death Metal Brutal death metal Brutal Death Power / Thrash Metal Melodic Black Death / Black Death / Black Metal Black / Death Metal Grindcore / Death Folk Metal Melodic Death Metal Heavy Gothic Rock / Doom Metal Black Metal Heavy Symphonic progressive rock Melodic Death Metal Power / Progressive Death Metal Doom / Death / Suicide Rock Symphonic progressive rock Heavy / Black Hard Rock Progressive Power Metal Thrash Metal Hard `n` Heavy Gothic / Doom Metal Gothic Gothic Gothic Metal Groove metal / Metalcore Hard Rock Black Metal Sympho Black Metal Progressive Rock / Metal Death / Thrash Metal Black Metal Heavy / Thrash / Industrial AOR Ebmient / Industrial Death Metal Black Metal Thrash / Death / Grind Metal Black / Gothic Metal Harsh Grind / Death Thrash Metal Atmospheric Dark Metal Melodic Death / Gothic Black Metal Melodic Black Metal Progressive / Neoclassical Folk / Celtic Metal Heavy Metal Melodic Death Metal Industrial
Year of birth of Marilyn Manson Year of birth: 1989
Country of Marilyn Manson Country: USA

Biography of Band

The first signs of Marilyn Manson was in 1989 in Southern Florida, when Manson, then a Ohio-born photojournalism major, and Daisy, then a guitarist who had been through five bands, came together and formed a band. Their names were changed to Marilyn Manson and Daisy Berkowitz. The names would come from different tabloid TV shit.

By 1990, Marilyn Manson became Marilyn Manson and the Spooky Kids. Manson was singer, Daisy the lead guitar, Gidget Gein as bass, Madonna Wayne Gacy on the keyboards (he replaced the original keyboardist: Zsa Zsa Speck), and a drum machine. They opened for NIN, and Trent was very impressed with them and would help them in the future in many different ways.

In 1991, Sara Lee Lucas replaced the old drum machine, and in 1992, Marilyn Manson and the Spooky Kids became just Marilyn Manson. By then, they had gathered fame all over the locals. They even won two straight Band of Year honors at a local music award thing. Singles such as "Dope Hat", "Lunchbox", "My Monkey" had already won the support of the people.

1993 was a very busy year. They got a contract from Trent Reznor's new own label Nothing and got a spot on NIN's 94 tour. The making of their first album, "Portrait of an American Family", was underway. Trent Reznor was the producer of the album.

At the end of 93, Gidget Gein, bass, was no more a part of the band. His is drug problems had apparently gone out of hand. Twiggy Ramirez, from Amboog-A-Lard, became the new bassist.

1994 was the major breakthrough for the Manson family. National tours with NIN gained them fame and other things. In Salt Lake City, they were banned for the first time in Manson history. Manson got to meet Dr. Anton Szandor LaVey. He is the founder of the Church of Satan. Dr. LaVey named Manson as a priest of the Church of Satan. Hence the title Reverend was given to Manson. It seems now "Reverend Manson" is the preferred name for Manson.

During the tour with other bands, Sara Lee Lucas, drummer, was kicked off the Manson family. Relations between him and Manson had been very bad throughout the tour. Ginger Fish was the chosen replacement for Sara.

Then Daisy, one of the original Mansons quit in 1996. His replacement was chosen as ZimZum. And during 1996, Marilyn Manson released probably his best record, Antichrist Superstar. It was dark and heavy. He achieved a lot of attention, mostly negative, in public. Several kids committed suicide supposedly because of the song, The Reflecting God.

After 2 years in the band, ZimZum left on July 18 of 1998. Publicly, the departure was a friendly one. ZimZum felt it was just time for him to move on and he said that he and Marilyn got along just fine. He was replaced by John Lowery or John 5. Lowery was guitarist for David Lee Roths "DLR Band", and the number two member of Rob Halfords band "Two", before that.

Shortly after ZimZum left, the band released their 4th LP, Mechanical Animals. There was a stark contrast between the new Manson and old. He appeared to be much happier and more glam.

The band also closed a long-time court case a few weeks after the release of Mechanical Animals. Daisy, who had been suing the band for money because he thought he deserved more credit, settled out of court.

Members of Marilyn Manson

Current Members:
Brian Warner (Marilyn Manson) (Founder). Role: Vocals
John Lowery (John5). Role: Guitars
Tim Skold. Role: Bass
Steve Bier (Madonna Wayne Gacy). Role: Keyboards
Kenny Wilson (Ginger Fish). Role: Drums
Passed Members:
Scott Mitchell (Daisy Berkowitz). Role: Guitars
Mike Nastasi (Zim Zum). Role: Guitars
Brad Stewart (Gidget Gein). Role: Bass
Jeordie Francis White (Twiggy Ramirez). Role: Bass
Freddy Streithorst (Sara Lee Lucas). Role: Drums


LP: Portrait of an American Family (1994) Studio: Interscope. Tracklist.
EP: Smells Like Children (1995) Studio: Interscope. Tracklist.
LP: Antichrist Superstar (1996) Studio: Interscope. Tracklist.
LP: Mechanical Animals (1998) Studio: Interscope. Tracklist.
LP: The Last Tour on Earth (1999) Studio: Interscope. Tracklist.
LP: Holy Wood (in the shadow of the valley of death) (2000) Studio: Interscope. Tracklist.
LP: The Golden Age of Grotesque (2003) Studio: Interscope. Tracklist.
LP: Lest We Forget (2004) Studio: Interscope. Tracklist.

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