Hailing from Southern California, Unquintessence was created by former Desecration members Brian Carreon and Mike Caballero in January of 1999. Hans Faber joined as second guitarist in 1999, allowing for guitar harmonies and dual guitar leads. Completing the original lineup in 1999 were Rich Garcia on Drums and Dan "Lothar" Ventura on Vocals. The goal of the 5 was to create ultra-brutal old-school style death metal.
In the fall of 1999 the band entered a local death metal "battle of the bands" competition and won first place, having never played any previous shows! Shortly after this competition Rich Garcia left the band and drummer Renee Maxewll joined.
October 2000 saw the release of the bands first 4 song CD titled "Empty Veins". This strong first release demonstrates the band`s musical abilities and has been well received by fans. Before the "Empty Veins" CD was even released, the song "Empty Veins" made an incredible climb up the death metal charts on MP3.com, reaching positions as high as 40 of 15000 in a matter of days. This song continued to have a strong presence on MP3.com with more than 6,000 listens since its debut in 2000 until MP3.com`s demise in 2003.
Renee was replaced by Sean Harding in 2001. Around the same time in 2001 Lothar left the band due to personal reasons. He has been replaced by vocalist Don Marhefka (former Burial, Evilution).
In February 2003 Unsanctified parted ways with long time Bassist Mike Caballero. He has been replaced by Robert Marks (former Decay Of Salvation).
Unsanctified signed a recording contract with Quadrivium Music in March 2003.
In February 2004, Sean Harding was replaced by Frank Herrera on drums (Multilacion, Metal Madness TV).
The band parted ways with Quadrivium Records in August, 2004 as a result of recording issues and philosophies which could not be reconciled. Unsanctified released their new EP Titled �Demons Of My Own Making� in February, 2005 and are now actively seeking new label representation. Mini-Tours of the SouthWest and NorthWest United States are currently being booked for March and April 2005.