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Band: Blood / Album: Heinous Noise /

Bands: Rambler's Top100# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Эта страница на русском


1. Intro (Demonic hounds)
2. Blood
3. Jesus never lived
4. Celtic compost
5. Sinister knell
6. Smarties
7. Ventilator integrator
8. Satanic vomit
9. 2 second idea
10. A.I.D.S. (an ill dutch slammer)
11. Skate is great
12. Vivify the hate
13. Foulmouthed politicians
14. Why?
15. Instigate

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Рейтинг.ru Rambler's Top100 © Metal Land, 2003-2016
Design & programming: Morgul