Kataklysm Biography, Discography.

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Style: Death Metal
Year of birth: 1992
Country: Canada
Views: 8724. Updated: 05 December, 2004 by Project Moderators

Biography of Band

Canadian Death Metal legends Kataklysm officially formed in the fall of 1991, they released a now classic demo called Death Gate Cycle Of Reincarnation in 1992 that got world attention and a record deal with Germany's Nuclear Blast records, the band signed in 1993 and immediately released the demo on CD format and added the bonus track The Orb Of Uncreation which resulted in the creation of the critically acclaimed MCD The Mystical Gate Of Reincarnation. Kataklysm gained world praise and recognition ...a new style and influence was born : the Northern Hyperblast ..and that was just the beginning! In 1995 the band releases their first album entitled Sorcery which quickly propelled Kataklysm as one of the new leaders and forces to be reckon with in the extreme metal scene!

The band follow up again with another hard hitting assault in 1996 with the release of the second full length album Temple Of Knowledge accompanied with a video clip for the track The Awakener which resulted in headliner tours and a bright future a head. With releases like Northern Hyperblast Live a limited edition CD and the controversial 3rd album Victims Of This Fallen World in 1998 the band showed divesity and explored new territory in which Kataklysm found new ground to establish a new sound that soon that would pave the way for new classics to come!

In 2000 Kataklysm strike with a deadly weapon and 4th album called The Prophecy (Stigmata Of The Immaculate) an album that put Kataklysm on a new course and new horizons, that critics called one of the most devastating release in extreme music in years. With all eyes on Canada's finest export Kataklysm, the pressure was one. but that's when Kataklysm are their most lethal! In 2001 a classic extreme album was born entitled Epic (The Poetry Of War), with a melodic edge backed by extreme roaring power. The bands 5th album has become Kataklysm's finest hour leaving critics stupefied and the world begging for more!

So here we are today with tours in over 19 countries around the world, TV appearances expanding in 11 years of existence of blood & sweat, Kataklysm are back to prove that aging brings experience that make great leaders, Kataklysm are at the top of they're form and have evolved into a powerhouse that will crush all and leave nothing but Shadows & Dust for the mortals to beg! Their 6th album to be released in fall of 2002! Once again handled in the true mercenary fashion of Kataklysm with a production that will leave you breathless. A new chapter is born.. a new era in extreme music.. be prepared for Kataklysm's deadly grip!! Here is what one of North Americas most respected writers has to say about this new masterpiece: "Like true Gladiators, Shadows And Dust tears at you with violent power, crude anger and the barefaced truth of somebody with nothing to lose. A hailstorm of musical swords, without the sorcery, Kataklysm are primed to 'Face The Face Of War' with their latest. This is a furious speed freak with enough doom and gloom to lock and load you for many years to come. Think In Flames huffing gas while classic Priest blares in the background. Shadows And Dust is beauty from a world viewed with revulsion and malice. Unlike anything they've done and a true succession, Kataklysm, once again, take the heaviest of music and add true weight and consequence. " Mitch Joel (Circus Magazine/Hour/Revolver online)

Members of Kataklysm

Current Members:
Maurizio Iacono. In Band at: 1992 - . Role: Vocals, bass
Side projects: Stamina
Dagenais Jean-Francois. In Band at: 1992 - . Role: Guitars
St?phane Barbe. In Band at: 1998 - . Role: Bass
Martin Maurais. In Band at: 2003 - . Role: Drums
Past Members:
Sylvain Houde. Period: 1992 - 1998. Role: Vocals
St?phane C?t?. Period: 1992 - 1992. Role: Guitars
Ariel Sa?ed. Period: 1992 - 1992. Role: Drums
Nick Miller. Period: 1996 - 1998. Role: Drums
Side projects: ex-Anal Blast
Max Duhamel. Period: 1992 - 2003. Role: Drums
Richard Jean-Francois. Period: 2003 - 2003. Role: Drums
Side projects: Ion Dissonance, BlastFame


Demo: The Death Gate Cycle Of Reincarnation (1992) Studio: Socan. Tracklist.
Lineup: Sylvain Houde - Lead Vocals, Jean-Fran?ois Dagenais - Lead Guitars, St?phane C?t? - Guitars, Maurizio Iacono - Bass & Backing Vocals, Ariel Sa?ed - Drums
EP: The Mystical Gate of Reincarnation (1993) Tracklist.
Demo: A The Vortex of Resurrection (Demo II) (1993) Tracklist.
Comment: Re-released as bonus on a second CD in the limited edition DoCD-version of `Epic (The poetry of war)`
7"EP: Vision the Chaos (1994) Tracklist.
Lineup: Sylvain Houde - Vocals, Jean-Francois Dagenais - Guitars, Maurizio Iacono - Bass and Backing Vocal, Max Duhamel - Drums
CD: Sorcery (1995) Tracklist.
Lineup: Jean-Francois Dagenais - Guitar, Max Duhamel - Drums, Sylvain Houde - Vocals, Maurizio Iacono - Bass
CD: Temple of Knowledge (1996) Tracklist.
Lineup: Jean-Francois Dagenais - Guitar, Sylvain Houde - Vocals, Maurizio Iacono - Bass, Nick Miller - Drums
Comment: The first pressing is on digi-pak. Next one in jewel case.
Live CD: Northern Hyperblast Live (1998) Tracklist.
Lineup: Sylvain Houde - Vocals, Jean-Francois Dagenais - Guitars, Maurizio Iacono - Bass, Nick Miller - Drums
Comment: The "Vision the Chaos" 7" single is included on this cd as track 14 and 15.
Compilation: Sorcery & The Mystical Gate Of Reincarnation (1998) Tracklist.
Comment: Tracks 1-9 from "Sorcery".
Tracks 10-13 from "The Mystical Gate Of Reincarnation".
Tracks 14-16: bonus tracks.
CD: Victims of this Fallen World (1998) Tracklist.
Lineup: St?phane Barbe - Bass, Jean-Fran?ois Dagenais - Guitar, Max Duhamel - Drums, Maurizio Iacono - Vocals
CD: The Prophecy (Stigmata of the Immaculate) (2000) Tracklist.
Lineup: St?phane Barbe - Bass, Jean-Fran?ois Dagenais - Guitar, Max Duhamel - Drums, Maurizio Iacono - Vocals
Comment: The intro to "1999:6661:2000" is from the movie "Dark City".
Split: Nuclear Blast Festivals 2000 (2001) Tracklist.
Lineup: Raise Hell 1-3, Kataklysm 4-6, Hypocrisy 7-10, Destruction 11-14, Crematory (Ger) 15-18
CD: Epic: The Poetry Of War (2001) Tracklist.
Lineup: St?phane Barbe - Bass, Jean-Fran?ois Dagenais - Guitar, Max Duhamel - Drums, Maurizio Iacono - Vocals
CD: Shadows and Dust (2002) Tracklist.
Comment: The intro to "In Shadows And Dust" is from the movie "Gladiator".
Single: In shadows and dust (2002) Tracklist.
Comment: The group made a music video for "Shadows And Dust."
CD: Serenity in Fire (2004) Tracklist.
Comment: The opening speech on Ambassador of Pain is from the movie 'Road to Perdition'.
"For All Our Sins", features vocals by Peter Togtgren of Hypocrisy.

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